Today we thought we'd showcase what a standard day in Primary 7 looks like.
We started off with revisiting our knowledge and learning so far about 'time' for maths and numeracy. We worked through active learning stations to complete various challenges using our speed, distance and time triangle. These included C-Touch games, problem solving stations and stop watch exercise challenges! (Far too busy for any pictures, unfortunately.)
For literacy, we initially practised our spelling words and were awarded points for the most amount of spelling words used in a story and the funniest story. Then, we moved into our reading groups to complete some guided reading and Bloom's higher order reading questions.
This afternoon, we learned all about the thistle and how the legend of the Norsemen contributed to it becoming an emblem of Scotland. We then considered the techniques of some Scottish artists and adapted these to create our own Scottish thistles (to be finished tomorrow).
We hope this provides an idea of what 'A Day in the Life of a P7' looks like.