Well done to the boys and girls for another successful week at Forth Primary School. We are so proud of you all!
This afternoon we celebrated Magic Manners and Confident Individuals awards. Well done to all of our worthy winners.
Magic Manners
Nursery- Ainsley Henderson
P1- Brodie Baxter
P1/2- Murray Carswell
P2/3- Molly Whitelaw
P3/4- Lily Watson
P4/5- Aiden Goldie
P6- Jodie Allen
P7- Mark Freel
Confident Individuals
Nursery- Mia Quinn
P1- Katie Storrar
P1/2- Meta Cepulyte
P2/3- Emily Harrower
P3/4- Anya Tindall
P4/5- Alisha Hamilton
P6- Ellie Thomson
P7- Jack Baptie
Head Teacher's Award
P1 Boys and Girls - For a fantastic start to the term. We are so proud of you all!
Cody Gibb P7 - Showing a responsible and mature attitude to school
Achievement & Wellbeing Assembly
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