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‘We were using each other as obstacles this week in gymnastics.’  Freya

‘On Friday we finished our class novel ‘There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom’.  It was a great book and it was funny.  One of the best books ever.’ Ethan

‘We had a Taekwondo lesson.  It was very fun but exhausting!’ Curtis

‘We had to use teamwork when we made our tombs.  We had to listen to each other and speak to each other to share our own ideas.’ Lily

‘We had to make matching tiles that had patterns and were symmetrical.  They are like the ones from Islamic Art.’ Georgie

‘We did Islamic style tiles and I used the colours red, blue, grey, yellow and orange and cyan.’ Aiden

‘When we made our tombs we used books to look for information about them.’  Noah

‘We learnt how to bow and kick.  We were also told we were told not to use our new skills at home, in class, in the playground or on our teachers!  They are just for the studio.’  Kirk and Poppy