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Miss Haverstock has been super impressed with all the hard work that Primary 2/3 have completed this week. 


The boys and girls have all tried so hard this week with their numeracy and we have been learning how to add and subtract numbers to 20 and 100. We all learned a bit more about number line jumps and how these can help us with both addition and subtraction. We have also been consolidating our learning on Ordinal Numbers and how we write these in both word format and use symbols. 


In our literacy this week we have been concentrating on sentences and making sure that we use capital letters and full stops when we write these. Some of the class have also managed to use question marks when using "asking" sentences. 

We have also talked about Guy Fawkes and why we celebrate bonfire night on the 5th of November and looked at Firework Safety with Mrs Frame. 

For our topic on Robert Owen we had to think about the kinds of items that would be avilable to buy in the Village store and also thought of the differences between stores as we know them and stores as they would have been long ago.