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Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you for your support in logging into the main class page and ensuring your child has checked in. The interactions online today have been superb. Daily check-ins will be closely monitored by teachers and submitted to school. 

The purpose of this is to ensure a daily check in for health and safety / safeguarding reasons and to confirm all is well. As well as this daily check in we also make phone calls, send e-mails and Groupcall messages to support families as much as we possibly can.

I also fully appreciate and encourage that families are completing learning when it fits in with your own family circumstances. It is important however, that you still complete the check in daily. 

I would like to recognise and commend families for all your efforts under the current circumstances. As time goes on, there is no doubt it is not getting any easier. 

I agree with the Superman quote below. You are our superheroes. Thank you for your perseverance and endurance through times that are definitely overwhelming at times. 

Please remember the online support form (within  message section). We are here to help and support in any way  we possibly can. 

Best wishes,

Mrs Wood
