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Over the last few weeks we have been working so incredibly hard and learning lots. 

We have been focusing on various multiplication strategies and how these can help us work out tricky calculations using concrete and visual aids. We LOVED writing on the tables and using chalk outside to show our understanding. Miss Rintoul was so impressed with our knowledge, hard work and enjoyed having a dance with us as we tidied to the ‘Tidy up Rhumba’ song!

We have been learning how to use a dictionary and completed a range of dictionary dash activities with a partner. We also have been enjoying our class novel ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ and by carefully reading a description of some of the characters, we picked out the most important parts to help us visualise what they looked like.

We also have enjoyed some fun team building activities. Showing excellent listening skills, turn taking and team work.

Well done P3! Keep up this super work! 

Reminder: PE days for P3 are a Monday and Friday. Children should come to school wearing school uniform and change for PE in the facilities provided. Thank you for your support. ☺️