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‘P4 were picking fruit and veg in the poly tunnel to help Sammy and Mr Dickson.’  Ella 
‘We also dug up potatoes and we also got some cucumbers and onions and tomatoes and beetroot!’ Emma S 
‘People were digging up the potatoes and other people were picking the potatoes off of the roots.’ Brodie 
‘We all took part, everybody had a job.’ Emma W 
‘Some people were taking the dirty off them and cleaning them up.’ Brody 
‘We were also picking and collecting dried up peas and putting them in water so they start to grow again.’ Meta 
‘It was a lot of hard work digging them all up!’ Lewis 
‘Some of us got to put the food into trays and show it around the school and they were SO heavy! I was one of the people who carried them round.’ Jacob  
‘When the classes saw the food they thought it looked yummy!’ Isla 
‘I tried the cucumber today and it was yummy.’ George 
‘I tried the tomatoes and they were amazing!’ Beau 
‘It was really hard work but it was worth it.’ Rowan 
‘The whole school gave Mr Dickson a card to say thank you because he came into school twice week on his school holidays to water our plants!’