Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you and your family are keeping safe and well. During the past year, more than ever before, families have found themselves in difficult and at times overwhelming situations. This can often include financial difficulty, for many reasons.
Forth has developed help and assistance in partnership with South Lanarkshire’s Community Wellbeing Helpline team with Wendy and Elaine from the team offering free confidential money advice to all families and pupils in the school.
There is support and advice available about benefits including Free School Meals, Clothing Grants, Education Maintenance Allowance and other benefits. Assistance can also be given in crisis situations such as having no money for food, gas or electricity. Referrals can be arranged to Money Matters to support you in making benefit claims or checking claims that you may be having problems with as well assistance with debt or money issues.
I know of similar support provided in other schools with families better off due to additional benefits being received and help being provided for debt and money issues. In some cases,families gained thousands of pounds in backdated benefits.
Call Wendy and Elaine on 0303 123 1009. Alternatively, scan the QR code below with your smartphone camera to complete a referral form and they will contact you. An animation has also been created to give you more information and can be found at
If it’s easier, there is also an option for the school to fill in a form on your behalf. Please just contact me or Mr Dickson if this would be your preferred option . As always, our discussion will remain private and confidential.
Kind Regards
Head Teacher