Our House Captains are lucky enough to be away to Lockerbie this week however they left us a little report of what they’ve been up to before they went.
’Firstly the House Captain hopefuls  presented their speeches and the other pupils voted for who they wanted to be Captain/House Captain for their houses. Next on our list was to discuss how house points should be earned and then explain to each of the classes how it would work. We were responsible for setting up the Parent Council book exchange and writing a post for the app to inform everybody about it. Every Friday afternoon we go to classes and collect house points. At the moment Netherton are in the lead by 4 points. We also played a big part in organising the Macmillan Coffee Morning last Wednesday where we raised £650.
Next month we will be gathering opinions on recognition time and homework to see what all the pupils thoughts are. We will then collate the results and see how we take it forward’
House Captain’s Report