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What a lot of learning took place when Lisa Heffernan came to visit us from Levenseat. She works within the community aspect of the business and shared her role with us as well as the variety of roles that are on offer at Levenseat.

The children learned about the lengthy process of recycling at Levenseat and how important it is to recycle the correct items in the correct bins. The children then had a chance to sort lots of rubbish in the correct bins e.g. metal, plastic, paper etc. before discussing the 'tricky' items to sort e.g. nappies.

Lisa's session was incredibly interactive and the children were so eager to get involved and learn more about recycling. It was great to hear how many children already have family members who work at Levenseat and it was great to learn more about their work too. 

The variety of jobs on offer at Levenseat are so vast that the children found it tricky to choose their favourite! We learned all about people who had been to school at Forth and took on different apprenticeships at Levenseat to get into their chosen career!

Our brains are so full! Huge thank you to Lisa for taking time out of her day to share her role, expertise and passion for what she does. We loved it!