This week has been very busy in Primary 2/3 with lots of learning and fun Mother's Day activities!
In numeracy we have been learning to skip count in 5s. This has been lots of fun and everyone seems to have really got the hang of counting in 5s this way!
"I have enjoyed learning to count backwards in 5s" - Jessica
"I enjoyed today's activity where we had to get in to order without talking to each other. It was really difficult!" - Emily
In literacy we wrote our own adventure stories...
"I really liked using my imagination to write my story" - Michael
We have also started to design our own party invitations for our Easter Party.
In art we made special finger print paintings - Callie says: "It was fun and I can't wait to give it to someone on special on Sunday,"
Well done to our Star Writers Molly and Ayleigh and to our Numeracy Ninjas Michael and Leah. A special well done to Sophia who received the Head Teacher Award today.
Mother's Day Madness