Good morning
I hope everyone is keeping well and coping under such unforeseen circumstances. My update this week is transition, moving into Primary 1, up to high school and into the next year group. Therefore, separate updates on transition arrangements has been added under the news section, for nursery children moving into Primary 1 and Primary 7 pupils moving into S1. I would ask that parents and carers involved read these over.
As well as preparing learning for children online, teachers are writing pupil reports that will be issued to parents in June. Parents and carers will receive these electronically by e-email. If any parent or carer is unable to access email, a paper copy will be made available once the school re-opens. Β I appreciate this is not the normal procedure, but it is important that these are received this term.
Within the news section I have uploaded an excellent booklet about play at home, as well as some life skills activities and mental health activities to do with your child. Again, I would reassure families to do the home learning that is right for them. It is important that children read and write in some form or fashion on a day to day basis. We are keen that our young people know the importance these skills are for lifelong learning. I would like to highlight the great work going on within Nursery learning journals as well as on our class teams. So far 65% of children from P1-7 have accessed their class team. Huge well done to all the children, parents, and carers for all their efforts.Also I want to thank our staff team for all ther hard work and efforts. We are all missing our children and families. We will be together again soon.
As we look to the future and what changes it may bring it is important to see the positives. Mr Thomson, Mrs Roberts, and I have spoken to a number of families. Please remember there is support out there. If you would like someone from school to call you, do not hesitate to fill out this online formΒ click here for formΒ and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Stay safe and take care,
Mrs Wood
Mrs Wood update