Writing Celebration Assembly
What is writing?
Where would we be if we had no words?
Imagine a world without any words,
No you, no me, no us, no we,
No internet, no google, no books, no tv,
No thoughts, no feelings, no signs to see,
No songs, no lyrics, no names to call,
No places to visit, no fun at all.
Without our words, where would we be?
In a difficult world where no one could speak?
No singing, no chatting, no jokes, acting and play,
A permanent silence a pause in every way.
No ways to express our secrets and fears,
No opportunities to explain our tears.
We need our words to be every part of each day,
Every week, month and year in every way.
Shout out your feelings with confidence and pride.
Use every word to be helpful, kind and to describe.
Express your opinions, share ideas and shout from the rooftops.
We are proud to be here.
Let us celebrate now the writing we have,
The words that we cherish and write are fab!
Through nursery, primaries one to seven,
We have stories, rhymes, poems, and voices from heaven.
The greatest words, what would they be?
Mrs Wood thinks it is Forth Primary!
Let us sit back and pause, take time to enjoy,
Our talents and words from you,
Our precious girls and boys.