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Today, Primary 7 were lucky to receive a visit from Jamie who works for the charity 'Nil by Mouth'. 
This was arranged as part of their learning linked to our class novel 'Divided City'.

"I thought the workshop was really fun as we learned new things about discrimination, in particular, the link to our book Divided City." Anya

"It was exciting because we learned about new things like sectarianism and what that means and looks like." Millie

"Jamie shared the reason and back story to why Nil by Mouth was created which was due to a sectarian attack on a young boy in the middle of a busy Glasgow street in 1995." Callie

"I enjoyed the acitivity when we had to decide what religion the different celebrities were using only the facts we could see. We learned that it is wrong to 'judge a book by it's cover' and make assumptions about people." Jake

"My favourite part was when we had to guess facts about Mark based on only what he looked like in the picture." Ernest

"I liked the challenge at the start when we had to guess what teams the scarves belonged to. The 3 scarves were Celtic, Rangers and Griffindor." Michael

We want to thank Jamie for his time and hard work with us this morning as it has really helped develop our understanding and knowledge of sectarianism. We now can see more clearly the links between football and religion and how they are represented in Divided City.