This week we have been taking part in health week where we have enjoyed a variety of different activities that promote our health and wellbeing.
Mindfulness Monday saw us taking part in some cosmic yoga and practising meditating whilst exploring our senses.
Teamwork Tuesday saw us working in pairs to stack cups without touching them using elastic bands and pipe cleaners. We also worked as part of a team to move a ballon from one end of the line to the other without touching it with our hands. Both activities required us to work together and use our communication skills.
Wellbeing Wednesday we explored the importance of good dental hygiene and why eating the correct foods can help keep our bodies heathy.
Thinking Thursday we explored and learned all about road safety and how to keep safe when we are out and about.
We finished off the week with Fitness Friday where we took part in Jump Start Johnny and Sticky Kids where we danced and moved our bodies to music.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Nursery Team