This week in the creative area we started off exploring fireworks using a variety of media to create pictures and mark making, this lead the children to show an interest in colour mixing. Using paints to mix primary and secondary colours.
This week in the construction/small world area the children are learning about bonfire safety. Using small world to create and role play scenarios.
This week in the role play area the children have been exploring different events surrounding bonfire night. We created a Bonfire night food stall to sell hot chocolate and hot dogs to our customers. We talked about being safe and wearing appropriate clothing to keep warm outdoors on bonfire night.
This week in the STEM area we have been exploring patterns, looking at the festival of Diwali. We have also carried out a range of experiments to develop our predicting and questioning skills, looking at the colours and patterns in a jar using food colouring, oil and water.
This week in the literacy area we have been exploring lowercase letters- identifying letters in our own name.
We, have recited poems in relation to Bonfire night too.
Have a lovely weekend
The Nursery Team