This is what the nursery children have been playing with, learning about and exploring in the following areas:
Literacy: We have been learning about the features of stories. We have explored the front cover, title, spine, author and blurb.
Creative: We have continued to explore under the sea. We have used a variety of materials to create under the sea textured pictures and made jelly fish using paper plates, paint and crepe paper.
STEM: We have been leaning about 3D shape, exploring and learning their names. During numeracy day we explored counting blocks from 1-10 and ways to create numbers. We used the C-touch to explore number blocks.
Outdoors: We have been creating obstacle courses, working on our balance and coordination. We have been on a bug hunt exploring different mini beasts. We have waved goodbye to our Painted Ladt butterflies.
Snack: This we we have trialled new snack options. We can choose to have a whole piece of fruit for snack instead of a selection of chopped fruit. This helps to build independence skills, with peeling our own bananas or tangerines, we intend to save a recycle our fruit peelings and left overs once our compost bin arrives.
Don’t forget to check your child’s learning journals for some more insights into their learning in nursery.
Have a lovely Weekend
The nursery Team