Dear Parents/Carers,
The nursery children and staff would love to invite you into our nursery for another Stay and Play event. This is an opportunity for you to come to the nursery and experience the activities and resources we have available each day for your child and to ask the nursery staff any questions you may have. We ask that only one adult per child attends the event.
The date for your visit depends on the group your child is in:
Purple and Blue groups - Tuesday 17th May
Yellow, Gold and Orange groups - - Wednesday 18th May
Green and Red groups - Thursday 19th May
Please come to the main nursery door at 2:50pm. Once all other children have been dismissed, we will invite parents in for 20 minutes to Stay and Play!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Many thanks,
The Nursery Team
Nursery Stay and Play