Odd Socks Week
This week we have been learning about Odd Socks Week and why it is important to be UNITED against bullying!
We have learned that people can be bullied for a variety of reasons and that we can take action together to put a stop to it!
We designed our own odd socks and Miss Haverstock has been super impressed with how the boys and girls have been able to tell her why bullying is not nice and what we should do if we see it happening or if it is happening to us.
Place Value Practice
We have been looking at Place Value of units, tens, hundreds and even thousands this week!
Miss Haverstock has been very impressed with the work so far and our detective skills in Thursdays lesson, where the class had to work out different problems.
Awesome Adjectives
We have also started learning about adjectives and what these are.
We have learned that an adjective is a describing word and we will continue to work on building our knowledge of these next week!
Christmas Show
We have also been learning our words and actions for the Christmas show and are enjoying our daily practices of these! Our class song is Away In a Manager and we have some super actions for this, which we are excitied for you all to see!
Odd Socks Week