Our first few weeks in Primary four have been very busy! We have been having lots of fun and learning lots of new things. We would like to share our highlights with you…
I have liked doing upstairs downstairs sums in Maths. I always remember to carry the tens. Murray
I liked making the perfect hamburger posters. We had to make them nice and neat and the pictures of the burgers had to look delicious! Ollie
I like making posters about the different continents that we have been researching. Eva
I have enjoyed doing maths. I have liked doing adding up. Ryan
I liked making the dips with P7. We had to be careful when cutting the vegetables. Bobbi
I have liked learning about the continents on maps of the world. Brodie
After reading the Perfect Hamburger, I liked using my imagination to create my own hamburger. Elliot
I like making the castle outside with my friends for the wee ones in the poly tunnel. We need to work together. Katie
My favourite thing in P4 so far is trying soup that my best friends made. It was delicious! Lucy
My favourite thing in P4 so far has been playing with the loose parts. I made a village with Luke, we worked together. Hannah
I like learning about 2D and 3D shapes. I know what edges, surfaces and vertices are. Alex
I like learning about the world and finding out about continents. Harley
I like going outside in the garden. I have enjoyed building the castle for the wee ones. Ethan
I liked making my dip then doing writing to make people want to try it. Aly
I am having fun with my full class. It is good when we all listen to each other. Lewis
My favourite thing I have been learning in school is nouns and proper nouns. A noun is a naming word that isn’t that important, and a proper noun is something that is important and always has a capital letter. Lily Rh
My favourite thing in P4 is when we go to ICT. I like to go onto the computers and using drawing packages and Word. Jason-John
When I got into P4 my favourite thing was meeting Mrs Andrews. I have also liked learning about the continents of world and I am looking forward to learning where places are. Jackson
I like researching with groups about each continent and making posters about them. Megan
I liked learning about 3D shapes. Lily R
When we got to make the dips I liked making them with the P7s and I liked trying something new. Sarah
I really liked making my school values superhero, I made ‘Resilience Strong!’. I also liked making my 3D shape (a cylinder) using a net. Evan
I made ‘Resilience Cool’ my values superhero. Dylan
I like playing football with my friends at break. Ahmed
I liked making my 3D shape and my values superhero. Mine is about honesty. He is called the Honesty King. Luke
Our First Few Weeks