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From telling the time to taking over as teachers, from connectives to carrots, from food tasting to fun with P7, from hockey to harvest around the world. What a busy week!

Here is what we thought...

Isla: I liked tasting the fruit. Pineapple is my favourite. 🍍 

Aiden: Meeting P7 again! I liked the games they picked and I got to see Mollie again, my reading partner! πŸ“–Β 

Emma: I liked learning to play hockey πŸ‘Β 

Lewis: Tasting lemon πŸ‹ and lime mixed together. It's really sour! 😣

Zack: playing hockey πŸ‘Β 

Charlie: tasting food and playing hockey!

Miss Gallagher: definitely tasting the lemon and lime- they photos are hilarious! 🀣 Have a great weekend P3!Β