This week in Primary 7 we were doing circuits for PE. We were working on getting our bodies moving and stretching for one minute blocks. We did one round and then on the second round tried to beat our first scores.
Miss Dunlop was impressed by the participation and effort of every single person out there.
'I thought doing the circuits was really fun because we were mixed in groups with different people'
'The circuits were really fun but my legs were sore afterwards!'
'I had fun doing PE as I've not been able
to do it for a few weeks. It was a little difficult with my boot on but it didn't let it stop me trying'
'I was proud about my determination to keep going even though I was struggling at times. I can feel it in my legs today'
'I struggled a little bit but I gave it my all'
'The first round was really fun but on the second time round I couldn't feel my legs. They felt like jelly!'
Outdoor Circuits