Please see below for some updates about the Primary 2 class:
- P.E days are now a Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor if weather permits)
- Mrs Crone teaches Primary 2 Monday-Thursday morning and Miss Smith Thursday afternoon and Friday
- Please ensure all personal belongings have names clearly marked on them. We have a number of jumpers and cardigans with no names that have been in the P2 cloakroom for a few weeks now. Please see list below and image for description of items
*Black Next hoodie- Age 7
*Navy George jumper- Age 6-7
*x2 M&S black cardigans- Age 6-7
*x2 George black jumpers- Age 6-7
*x2 black Forth PS jumpers- Age 5-6 and 6-7
*Navy and white Nike zipper hoodie- Age 6
*Grey hat
*Forth PS hat
- Homework is given out on a Monday and should be returned on a Friday. Reading books will be used in class during the week so please keep these in school bags
Kind regards,
Mrs Crone