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Primary 5 have had a very busy week!

Firstly, as part of STEM Week, we explored our Science topic, ‘Plants in our Society’. We looked closely at the importance of plants around us and then set up our own investigations in class to see how successfully a seed will grow if given the correct nutrients; sunlight and water. 🌷

Next, Primary 6 were fantastic leaders by demonstrating and teaching us how to use Coding in the computers and iPads. We are looking forward to continuing this during our ICT time.Β πŸ–₯

Also, we had a lovely treat on Wednesday, where we helped make and thoroughly enjoyed eating delicious pancakes with Karen Nicol in preparation for Shrove Tuesday!Β πŸ₯ž

Finally, in Literary, some boys and girls have been exploring their reading books through Reciprocal Reading. We looked at the different roles involved and linked them to our comprehension strategies. We are looking forward to improving our independent comprehension skills as well as teamwork.Β πŸ“š