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Primary 5 have had a fun-filled week of learning lots of new skills!

They started off this week by leading their own learning through Pupil Enquiry-Based Learning (PEBL). They enjoyed picking a question of their own interest regarding the rainforest. They worked collaboratively to plan how they will find and present their information on the topic. P5 selected many skills that they were learning through doing so, some being: thinking critically and creatively, listening, giving/ receiving information, and curiosity.

On Tuesday, we learned all about 'Safer Internet Day 2025' and shared our knowledge by creating some bright posters. Through this we learned the skills of online safety and recognising reliable sources of information.

This week during our music lesson, we learned all about notation, pitch, time, minims and quavers- we were very disappointed to discover this was in fact not the crisps! We enjoyed clapping and stamping along to many more different beats. Through this we learned the skills of creativity, working with others and listening.

We took a brain break from all our learning and got active in the classroom playing Just Dance and dancing along to our favourite songs! Learning the skills of creativity, and motivitating and encouraging one another throughout.

Finally, we celebrated Valentine's Day by creating adjective hearts. We shared our kind thoughts on our classmates, making everyone smile.

Hope you all have a great long weekend. We will see you on Thursday!

Miss Smith and Mrs Hutchinson