P6 have been learning all about climate change and specifically COP26 this week. We have learned about what is happening in the world and our responsibility to keep it safe. Here are a few thoughts from the children.
"COP26 stands for the 26th Conference of the Parties." Hayden
"I enjoyed doing the Thinglink Mrs Hutchinson gave us all about COP26." Lewis
"I have learned that COP26 is being held in Glasgow." Harris
"Glasgow was chosen to host COP26 because of its experience in hosting world class events, its first rate facilities and its commitment to sustainability." Carson
"There are nearly 200 world leaders at COP26." Cody
"The world leaders were only there for two days and then their negotiators took over." Erin
"We are trying to keep the world's temperature rise below 1.5 degrees because of it rises up to 2 degrees it will be a disaster!" Macauley
We will continue with COP26 work next week. Feel free to go into our P6 Teams and try the Thinglink there. It's full of a variety of activities all about COP26 and is a great way to learn something new!
Mrs Hutchinson and P6.