P6 had another amazing day at Wiston this week, despite the weather! Mrs Hutchinson and Mrs Padkin were so proud of everyone and all their efforts. A special mention has to go to Macauley who was helping people get over the wall and despite getting a foot in his face countless times, kept on going!
Here are some of our thoughts...
"My best part of the day was getting over the 6 foot wall." Harry
"My favourite part was when Carson, Harley Lee and I went up the 6 foot wall at the same time." Hayden
"My favourite part was when we roasted marshmallows on the fire." Carson
" My favourite part was after roasting the marshmallows when we went den building and built a hammock."Jake
"I found it funny when I got mud all over my face. Mrs Hutchinson found it funny too!" Kaci
"I enjoyed when we were doing the spider web because it was challenging. " Georgia.
" I enjoyed lighting the cotton wool with fire that I made using a ferrar rod and flint." Louie