This week, Primary 6 have been learning all about developing a Growth Mindset, understanding ways to manage our highs and lows and develop more positive attitudes!
We have had so much fun in class participating in different stations to learn all about how our own mental health can impact on our work in class.
On Friday, we will be participating in different stations (which the children suggested during Circle Time) to help regulate more challenging emotions and promote positive mental health by doing activities we enjoy. These will include:
- Nail polishing
- Hair design e.g. plaits
- Technology
- Arts and Crafts
- Hot Drink and a chat
- Sensory/Fidget Station
- Reading
If you do not want your child to participate in any of the above activities - please do get in contact with the office so the message can be passed on. Otherwise, we look forward to spending some time on Friday promoting positive Mental Health in P6.
Thanks in advance,
Mrs Padkin and Mrs Hutchinson.