- Learning new sounds
- Blending sounds to make words
- Reading Books
- Writing Tasks
- Black pen drawings
- Numbers to 20
- Money
- Addition within 10
- Gymnastics
- Daily Mile
- Pirates
- Emotion Works
- Autumn
- Christmas
- Spooky Halloween Spectacular with crafts and a movie
- Children in Need
- Scottish Book Week
- Collaborative learning with Primary 5
- Festive Fun
PE will continue to be a Wednesday and Friday. We will be using the gym hall for gymnastics so please ensure your child has indoor shoes at school. A reminder to put names on shoes and clothing. We will be outside for the daily mile and learning so a warm jacket and hats and gloves would be ideal.
We thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Mrs Roberts and Miss Clowes