Today we were delighted to welcome Mrs Gordon from the Clydesdale Food Bank. She told us all about the Food Bank, how it operates and just how much it helps people in our community.
The Food Bank gives food to help people who need it. Mary
The food is delivered in a van. The driver uses a Sat Nav to find the houses. The Food Bank helps pets too, like dogs and cats and lizards. Finn
In the van there are lots of boxes for the food. Mrs Gordon uses a long stick to move the boxes at the top because she can't reach them. Gordon
The Food Bank people buy food at Aldi and give it to families. Ollie
They collect food at Tesco on a Thursday. Billie
It feels good to help people. Isla
A massive thank you for all of the donations. They were very gratefully received.
⭐️ Mrs Gordon was so impressed with the mature attitude to learning that P2 showed today and with their brilliant questioning skills. Well done - from a very proud Mrs Griffiths ⭐️