Primary 4 have been have had a busy busy few weeks!
We have lots of things to share with you!
As part of our Valentine's Day celebrations, we created 'Love Monsters' based on the Love Monster book. We cut out a monster shapes and put them together, then we wrote down all the things our love monster loved.
Then after this we talked about all the things we love including 'I Love that I - Can, Am and Have'. This was a great way to talk about all the things that make us happy and we are grateful for.
Our Love Monsters are now displayed outside our classroom!
We have been working on a new genre of writing - Recount! We looked at a model piece of recount writing and then planned our own. We have written our pieces and are ready to assess these next week!
As part of our Vikings topic, we made designed our own Viking brooches after doing some research on old style brooches, and then we made our own using cardboard! These include being painted gold and silver and using numerous colours of metallic paper and jewels - and even some glitter! These are drying in our classroom and we will show you as soon as they are dry!
'We had lots of fun doing these activities' - Macauley
We are looking forward to a snowy weekend!!
Primary 4