Linking to our history topic of 'World War 2', Primary 7 have been learning about the meaning and importance of Armistice Day and Remembrance Day.
In literacy we explored the poem of 'In Flanders Fields' and the significance of both John McCrae and Moina Michael in the development of the symbolism of the poppy. We then learned about the work of Lady Haig's factory in the production of poppies in Scotland.
Following this, we created our own poppies using black ink and watercolours, and made wreaths with the help of Mrs Fifield and Mrs Orr.
Today we walked to Forth's War Memorial to lay our wreaths and show our respects during the two minute silence. Afterwards, we visited Primary 1 to share our learning and support our younger peers in their poppy related play activities.
What a busy week it has been! Have a wonderful weekend Primary 7.