This week P1 have been exploring symmetry. They have been using beads, bottle tops, cones, stickle bricks, lego, the c-touch and paint to create and continue symmetrical pictures and patterns.
'Mine is nearly symmetrical if the yellow but was bigger on this side.' Jackson
'it is all the same on each side.... The arms, legs, eyes and smile but the hair is different a because it is different colours.' Katie
'It needs to be the same at the other side of the line and match.' Mia
Also this week P1 added a little symmetrical style to very special cards with Mrs Hall and showed thier creativity and fine motor skills with Mrs Andrews when they made beautiful bag charms for some special people 😍.
' My Mummy will love this...her favourite colour is red.'
'My Mummy likes flowers lots so I am making one with flowers.'
Sensational Symmetry and Something Special