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P5 have made me feel proud over the last couple of days. They have settled back into school life with ease and have displayed manners, teamwork, creativity and kindness towards each other.  We have been exploring the school values respect and endeavour over the last couple of days and will focus on confidence and trust throughout the rest of the week.

Info for P5 parents and carers
* PE days - Monday and Wednesday 
* We will be changing shoes again this year so please bring in a pair of shoes that can be kept in school. 
* Please ensure all belongings are labelled (even responsible P5 can muddle up their things 🤣 and we want to ensure that all belongings go back to the correct owner) 
* If your child cannot use the school hand sanitiser then please can you send one into school with one they can use. 

I am looking forward to the year ahead P5s....let's make it a good one 👍😁! 

Mrs Andrews