Primary 3 have been learning about forces, materials and the weather cycle as part of STEM week.
We learned that vinegar and lemon juice can make invisible ink but it is only invisible when it is dry. To make it visible again, you have to shine a light behind it. We discovered that lemon juice does not work as well as vinegar.
We also made balloon rockets and learned that different shaped balloons work better. Circular balloons store more air so have more energy which can be used for thrust and work more reliably. Long thin balloons release their air much faster and are more aerodynamic so can go faster.
We also learned about evaporation and condensation. We put warm water in a jar and placed ice over the top of it. The warm water evaporated and then condensed when it touched the ice. We sprayed hairspray into the jars to give the water molecules something to bind to. We learned we had to use very hot water to make this work but eventually we managed to make some clouds.
Well done to Mirren, Riley, Teigan, Euan, Kirk, Julie-Anne and Brooke for presenting our discoveries at the STEM assembly.