The boys and girls have all had a lot of fun taking part in nursery activities this week and have loved taking part in Crazy Hair Day on Friday. Here are some of the things each of our pods have up to.
The green pod has spent this week investigating jobs and the type of work that different people do. We've done some role play in different jobs like doctors and firefighters, and have been using the internet to research different jobs and also created our own police IDs. We've also loved reading the book Aliens Love Underpants and created some wanted posters!
This week the purple pod have been developing our motor skills by doing a variety of activities. We've made potions and practiced pouring and filling using a variety of materials and have been building towers using blocks.
This week the blue pod has been focusing on identifying different emotions and recognising how we are feeling using different emotion words. We've also been thinking about how to manage these emotions and discussed the things we like and dislike. We listened to the story of the Kissing Hand on the iPad and thought about how it makes us feel being separated from a carer when we're at nursery and how we can help ourselves feel better.
This week the red pod has been focusing on sharing and turn taking when taking part in all our activities. We've made playdough and played on the climbing frame and played games in our pod like the Doodlebug game and matching games.
This week the yellow pod has been learning to recognise numbers and numerals and doing some counting using one to one correspondence. We did some number games on the iPad and also used the toy cars to match cars to the numbers.
This week the gold pod has been learning about how numbers represent quantities. We've been doing this through the context of the story The Hungry Caterpillar and exploring how things grow.
This week in the nursery
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