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This week Primary 1/2 have been learning all about water. In Maths, we have been learning about capacity and have been exploring how much water different types of containers can hold.

We then used paintbrushes and water to write and draw outside in our playground. We counted how long it took for the sun to dry out the water - turning it from liquid to gas!

Miss Clowes was so impressed with all the vocabulary the children were using to show off their new learning. Well done Primary 1/2!

"Just because it's taller doesn't mean it will hold more water." - Isla 
"Water can move because it's liquid so you need something to put it in." - Sarah
"I put 7 tablespoons of water in my tub and then it was full." - Zack
"Water is a liquid but the sun heats it up and it disappears into the air." - Ryan