Our thoughts are with the people and families of Ukraine. Resources and links to support schools and parents/carers in light of recent events in Ukraine.
Please find attached a social story as well as guidance and advice for parents and carers.
Save the children: 5 ways to talk to children about conflict
Child bereavement UK: Supporting children and young people after a frightening event
Helpful advice and sort 2 minute video clip outlining what might help
Lots of links to resources for children when they have worries about events going on in the world
Mental Health Foundation
10 tips for talking to your child about world news
Seasons for Growth: A guide to self care and wellbeing during times of uncertainty.
This short 2 page handout focuses on how we can support ourselves and children/young people during times of uncertainty and change
Newsround: Advice if you’re upset by the news
Short one minute clip for children
Newsround: The history of Ukraine-Russian tensions
Short two minute clip outlining the history of these two countries