
Fairtrade Tuck Shop

On Friday 20 September our Fairtrade Committee are hosting a Fairtrade Tuckshop to raise awareness of the importance of buying Fairtrade and to promote some Fairtrade goods.
There will be toast and chocolate spread, bananas and mini chocolate bars on offer.
Items cost 10p each and pupils hould bring a maximum of 30p to school should they wish to come to the tuck shop. 


Primary 1 and Primary 2 Fruit and Vegetable Tasting Task

As part of the FLIPP literacy course, Primary 1 and Primary 2 are focusing on food this week. Tomorrow afternoon, Thursday 19th September, we are going to have a tasting task, with lots of fruit and vegetables. If you do not wish your child to take part, please contact the school office. Thanks. 


Staffing Update

I am delighted to inform everyone that Mrs Kirsten Griffiths will once again be taking on the role of Acting Principal Teacher of Forth Primary School. Congratulations to Mr Fraser Dickson who has been successful in securing Acting Depute Head Teacher once again at Robert Owen Memorial Primary in Lanark and is likely to remain there for the rest of this session.

Mrs Griffiths will return to the role she was undertaking prior to summer as additional supoprt needs coordinator. 


School - Meet the Teacher Event

We look forward to welcoming our pupils, parents and carers to the Meet the Teacher event tonight from 3-3:45pm. 
Children should be collected as normal from the MUGA and school gate, thereafter they should enter with their child through the canteen door which will be left open from 3pm.

After having a look round our classes we would like to invite everyone to join in the canteen for some soup and bread. Our wonderful kitchen staff have prepared pumpkin soup and potato and leek soup from our fresh polytunnel produce. P3 have harvested the ingredients and together with Mrs Andrews have prepared a story about the journey from polytunnel to plate!

Please be sure to visit the polytunnels also where you are welcome to help yourself to the goods inside. Bags can be found in the canteen area for your use.

See you later!


P6 Acorn Award - Energy Saving Challenge

P6 have been working hard on learning about saving energy at home and hopefully every family recieved a copy of our whole school challenge which will run all this week. Please send your sheets back to school on Monday next week - P6 are excited to see how much energy has been saved! 
As part of their learning, P6 designed information leaflets on saving energy and this was a class competition. Please see the winning leaflets attached for more information and tips on conserving energy. They were made by Zack, Brodie and Charlie - well done!


Primary 3 Local Outing Consent

Primary  3

We have still to receive Local Outing Consent for a number of Primary 3 pupils. Today each pupil has been issued with a paper copy of the form. We would appreciate if this could be signed and returned by Thursday (12/09) so that planned learning activities can go ahead. The current class topic is the local area of Forth and we are keen to get out and about in the village. Without consent it won’t be possible for your child to participate. Many thanks.


School and Nursery Photographs

School Photographs will be taken on 3 October.
Nursery Photographs will be taken on 10 October.
Unfortunately we were unable to have them all taken on the same day. If you have children in the school and nursery please dress them for photos on both days and we will be guided by the photographer for family groups. 


Primary 1 Gazette Photo

Our P1 will have their photo taken as a group today for the souvenir edition of the Carluke and Lanark Gazette. If you do not wish your child to be included please call the office to alert staff, the photo will be take this afternoon. 


August 2024 Newsletter

Good afternoon
Please find attached our first newsletter of the session. 
Any questions or queries, as always, don't hesitate to contact the school office. 
Kind regards
E Steele
Head Teacher

August 2024.pdf

Primary 1 - Wellies for Writing Focus

Primary 1 are hoping to jump in puddles tomorrow, Friday 30th August, for our writing focus. Please can your child bring a pair of wellies to school. Many thanks. 
