
School Closure - Red Warning

Weather Warning – Red alert

 Due to the red weather warning issued for South Lanarkshire and surrounding areas tomorrow the decision has been taken to close all establishments tomorrow, Friday 24 January 2025.

 Staff and pupils should not travel to schools/establishments.

 Arrangements will be made to support continued learning for pupils where possible using appropriate resources, including the use of digital platforms.

 Whilst we understand that this may cause some inconvenience to families you will appreciate that the health and safety of our children, young people and staff is our priority.

Mrs Steele


Dance Club

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the dance club due to take place next Tuesday (28.1.25) from 3 until 4pm, is cancelled. This will now take place during lunch time. This is for one week only and the club will resume on 4.2.25 as normal.
Miss Smith


P1 - 7 Food Preparation and Tasting

Dear Parents/Guardians,

From this Friday and over the next few weeks, classes will be taking part in Scottish food tasting and preparation. Please note, if you do not wish your child to take part in this then please do let the school office know.

Thank you in advance,
Kaye Padkin.


Damage to Trees

This is a polite reminder to keep non school children close beside their adults before and after school times. Nursery children are entering school grounds while waiting for siblings and are causing damage to the saplings by pulling out their support canes and standing on the trees themselves. 
Thank you.


School Handbook 2025

Please find attached Forth Primary School Handbook. This is particularly useful for parents of pupils starting school in August.

Forth Primary and Nursery Handbook 2025 Complete.pdf

Football After School Club

For today only football club will finish at 3:45pm. 


P2 Burns Poem

Good afternoon, P2. 

I have pasted Primary 2's Scottish Poem to practise at home. Unfortunately the printer is not working in the school but as soon as it is fixed, a printed copy will send home. 

Miss Small

Mince and Tatties 

I dinna like hail tatties 

Pit on my plate o mince 
For when I tak my denner 
I eat them baith at yince
See mash and mix the tatties 
Wi mince into the mashin
And sic a tasty denner 
Will aye be voted "Smashin!" 


Primary 7 Parents - Novel Study

Dear parents/carers,

Your child in Primary 7 will be studying a novel called ‘Divided City’ by Theresa Breslin this term. It is about 4 teenagers who live in Glasgow, and examines the issues of sectarianism and racism from their point of view. To set the scene, the author uses sectarian language that your child might repeat at home, and I wanted to let you know this so that you will be prepared if it should happen. He/she may also wish to discuss with you the issues raised in the book. I hope you will do this, if required, in a tolerant and sensitive way.
Glasgow, today, is a multi-cultural city in which we should all be able to live and get on with our neighbours, regardless of race, religion, or which team they support. The idea behind this book is that we encourage our children to discuss the issues raised and come to an understanding of other people’s religion and race. This should result in a more tolerant attitude, making Glasgow and surrounding towns, such as Forth, a safer, happier place for our children to live.


January 2025 Newsletter

Good morning
Please find attached the newsletter for January 2025.
E Steele

January 2025 Newsletter Final.pdf

Nursery Natters

Unfortunately Nursery Natters is cancelled on Friday 10 January. 
